Joohopia Template



Welcome to JDigimouz!

This is a small and useful tool written in Java!

Whenever you have a plot on paer and you need the number, use JDigimouz!



You can download it here.

Do not be creative, unzip the zip-file in the directory C:\programs\JDigimouz.

There will be six files: the program jdigi.jar, the JDigimouz logo and four jpg-files with plots for testing the programm.

First you have to scan the plot on paper and load it to the directory then start the program.


The welcoming picture will appear!



 Choose the jpg-file with the plot.


 Then the jpg-file will appear.



 This window will appear. Make your choices:

if the x-scale is logarithmic, puch the radio button "x-scale"

If the y-scale is logarithmic, push the radio button "y-scale".

if the function is monotonously increasing, push the radio button "y increasing"

Mark the first point on the x-scale for which the x-value is known and enter the number. Push NEXT

Mark the second point on the x-scale for which the x-vaule is known and enter the number. Push NEXT.

A blue line connecting both point will appear.



 Do the same for two points on the y-axis. Push NEXT




Now click on the points of the curve.

If you make a mistake when marking a point you can delete the last point by using the BACK button


 The deleted point is marked in red.

When you have marked all points, push SAVE



Then a new information will appear in the text field.



The numbers are stored in the file given in the textfield.

This is a beta-version please report all problems to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! JavaScript muss aktiviert werden, damit sie angezeigt werden kann.

Zuletzt aktualisiert am Mittwoch, den 22. Februar 2012 um 10:24 Uhr





Digitize your plot on paper with your mouse!




tmpl by joohopia